Saturday 22 August 2015

Because its Saturday

Who doesn't long for weekends? By Friday, the piling weekly fatigue is real, and all you want is have a long restful Saturday, probably after the Friday outing with friends. For those of us who work on weekends, its no different! Even when at work, the weekend mode is on. So the stories and updates are hot! We are all getting ready to go share them with friends. No doubt women love sharing, talking, laughing and  little gossip! The only problem is when the gossip gets too hot to an extent of reaching the subject, then things get sour. Gossip is never bad until it touches on you, and sometimes it is a demoralizing catalyst.

DadaPower is about sisterhood; the spirit of oneness. Its about correcting a dada when she goes wrong, rather than discuss her so bitterly behind her back, only for it to reach her and make her feel so down. Where necessary, its better to directly correct one another and life goes on.

lovely weekend dadas

Thursday 20 August 2015


No doubt I had missed doing this once again. My passion to highlight, research and ask more about issues affecting women is one that I hold dearly at heart. And my dream about creating the change I desire to see and have concerning young ladies is one that scares me beyond measure.

However I have been away for a while because of unavoidable circumstances(exams), not because they were too hard to tackle but because of one dangerous culture I gradually embraced during my just concluded semester - last-minute reading. I had two undesirable hectic weeks full of anxiety,and more cramming than reading. It was doing all I can to tackle the questions in the paper rather than understand and try to reason. I was paying for what I had chosen to do - paying attention to other things and  ignoring my books which should not be the case. They were not unimportant matters; I had attended trainings, conferences, concerts, name them. But I kept postponing my reading. Eventually the exams started while still postponing.

Multi-tasking is one of the best ways to successfully do things especially when tasked with numerous responsibilities whose periods of execution are coincidentally the same. Over time I have learnt the need to do different things in a day, week or month. Even though it calls for a lot of discipline, multi- tasking yields plenty of benefits and networks. Ofcourse I regret having not multi-tasked between revision and my other responsibilities because it made me fore-go so many other things.

Did you know that women are very good at multi-tasking? That women are actually good at it than men? women are able to change into doing something else with more ease. Maybe you have been wondering whether its possible to do two or three different things at the same preriod without necessarily having to compromise the quality of either. Well, it can be done gal! All you need is discipline and commitment. Allocate adequate time for every task on whatever day, and give it your level best. You will be surprised at the wonderful results. Women possess such great power to do incredible things, no matter how many!

- #WomenMultiTasking -