Thursday 16 July 2015

Support Power

..... I slowly stretched my hand towards the very annoying alarm right beside my bed that I had set to ring at 6.30 a.m the previous night to wake me so that I could prepare for school. Then quickly, but softly felt a tap on my shoulder. It was my mother, whom I had left cleaning dishes before I retired for the night......

 At the age of ten, my mother was my hero because of so many reasons, but mostly because she was always there to push for things when I could not. She would wake up early to make my breakfast,pack my lunch, cover me up at night in case I had dropped my blanket and still managed to go to work.

Constantly, I have grown up looking up to women who really work hard and successfully multi-task domestic responsibilities and their careers. They are a force to reckon with. My heart also goes out to those women, who really have the will to prosper by reaching  their many dreams, regardless of how small they are, but hardly get there because of hardships. But my heart bleeds when I watch or hear about young girls, who drop out of school not because they want to, but because of circumstances such as poverty, pre-mature pregnancies or because when school fees was less than required for all children in a family, it was preferred and decided that the boys go to school and girls remain at home since their education is not as important. It is such issues that have made societies retrogressive.

No doubt society is gradually embracing the necessity to empower the girl-child as much as the boy-child, but  much more can be done to make it better. My call is to all women; both young and old, to support a fellow girl in her endeavors so that together we can move forward. There are things that we highly should shun to be able to propel each other. Jealousy and lack of sisterhood are vices we have to wipe away in totality for the sake of the girl next door. It has been said time and again that behind every successful man, is a woman; but behind every successful woman are a hundred women armed with knives ready to wipe out their fellow woman. We have to put a stop to this by all means possible.  Lets all arise and let our little light shine as we light up the candles of those without the light, because by doing it,we only stand to benefit.

It is true women are very good at what they do and so we can can shine at helping and uplifting each other. Together, lets come together and support that girl who only needs a little push to get started. Let us start sustainable projects, initiatives and small motivational talks amongst ourselves and with the budding girls in our rural areas, so that together we can achieve more. With these, we will be a powered support system!!

- SupportPower  -


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